Collage as a Medium

Collage as a Medium

Are you a visual person who loves texture, color, words and form? Collage might be a perfect art medium for you! Learn more about this medium as well as tips in color placement and composition. If you took the pattern paste paper workshop or one of the papermaking classes you already have a supply of unique papers to use. The studio also has a supply on hand so give this versatile medium a try!

Workshop Fee $25 Materials Fee$5

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Pattern Paste Papers

Pattern Paste Papers

Pattern paste paper is a technique of decorating paper by applying paint thickened with paste to paper. After several colors are applied they are manipulated with different tools such as combs, stylus, sponges and string to create interesting patterns and textures. The paper can be used in collages, cards, decorative bookmaking and wrapping paper.

Workshop Fee $25 Materials Fee $5

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Monotypes with Watercolor and Oil Based Inks

Monotypes with Watercolor and Oil Based Inks

This is a four week class beginning on Friday January 10, Friday January 17, Friday January 24, Friday January 31. All classes are noon until three.

Monotypes are a more painterly approach to printmaking and can be made in many different ways with many different types of materials including both oil based relief inks and watercolor paint. during this class we will explore different techniques and tricks for producing monotypes including use of stencils, textural objects and drawing directly onto the plate. We will cover appropriate papers and ways of printing monotypes as well.

Workshop Fee $75 Materials Fee $25

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Build Your Own Book

Build Your Own Book

This is a four week class which will meet on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 pm. Beginning Wednesday, January 8, Wednesday January 15, Wednesday January 22, and Wednesday January 29.

Are you up for a challenge? Build Your Own Book starts right at the beginning where you make your own hand made paper for a special book. After our paper is made we will design covers and learn how to bind it Japanese style. Each person in the class will leave with a beautiful handmade book they have crafted themselves. All materials will be supplied in this class.

Class Fee $75 Materials Fee $25

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Sweet and Simple Handmade Journals and Sketchbooks

Sweet and Simple Handmade Journals and Sketchbooks

This is a two day workshop running on December 14, 1 to 4 pm, and December 15, 1 to 4pm.

This workshop is dedicated to learning some simple bindings and techniques in order to create you own Sketchbook/journal. These books can be as simple or embellished as you like. The focus will be to upcycle materials that can be used to create beautiful useful books for your personal use or for unique gifts for friends and family.

Workshop Fee $50 Materials Fee is 10$

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Sweet and Simple Handmade Journals and Sketchbooks

Sweet and Simple Handmade Journals and Sketchbooks

This is a two day workshop running on December 14, 1 to 4 pm, and December 15, 1 to 4pm.

This workshop is dedicated to learning some simple bindings and techniques in order to create you own Sketchbook/journal. These books can be as simple or embellished as you like. The focus will be to upcycle materials that can be used to create beautiful useful books for your personal use or for unique gifts for friends and family.

Workshop Fee $50 Materials Fee is 10$

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Making Paper From Natural Fibers

Making Paper From Natural Fibers

This is a two day workshop, beginning Saturday December 7th 1 to 4 and Sunday December 8th 1 to 4.

All paper is made from plants and although most people think of paper as coming from trees there are many different fibers that can be used including many local plants. In this workshop we will learn what fibers are best as well as the process of reducing the plant into usable pulp. the second half of the workshop on Sunday will be dedicated to forming sheets of paper with the pulp we made and observing the differences in the sheets of paper. Some of the fibers we will use are Japanese kozo (from the mulberry tree) cedar fiber, corn husks, hemp and possibly yucca.

Workshop Fee, $50 for two days Materials fee $10

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Making Paper From Natural Fibers

Making Paper From Natural Fibers

This is a two day workshop, beginning Saturday December 7th 1 to 4 and Sunday December 8th 1 to 4.

All paper is made from plants and although most people think of paper as coming from trees there are many different fibers that can be used including many local plants. In this workshop we will learn what fibers are best as well as the process of reducing the plant into usable pulp. the second half of the workshop on Sunday will be dedicated to forming sheets of paper with the pulp we made and observing the differences in the sheets of paper. Some of the fibers we will use are Japanese kozo (from the mulberry tree) cedar fiber, corn husks, hemp and possibly yucca.

Workshop Fee, $50 for two days Materials fee $10

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Sculptural Techniques with handmade paper

Sculptural Techniques with handmade paper

Have you ever made a mask or pinata with paper Mache, this is a much easier way to sculpt with paper. I will show you how to create a form and then use wet sheets of paper to quickly make an object. These objects will be very sturdy and can be painted and decorated when dry.

Workshop Fee $25 Materials Fee $5

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Make your own stamps

Make your own stamps

Stamping is a fun form of printmaking where we use a soft rubber to carve our own stamps. Each design can be as simple or complex as you like. I will be able to help folks who are not confident with their drawing skills with the use of stencils. Each workshop participant gets to keep their own stamps and we will have time to explore some unique ways in which to use the stamps you have created.

Workshop Fee $25 Materials Fee $5

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Creative Printmaking Techniques With Color

Creative Printmaking Techniques With Color

This is a four week class meeting Friday November 22, Friday November 29 and Friday December 6, Friday December 11

This class is designed to help printmakers add color to their work in a non-traditional way. Normally in printmaking one needs a separate plate for each color but there are tricks to getting around this labor-intensive way. We will be covering collagraphs, use of stencils, puzzle prints, monotypes and viscosity printing in this class. Prior printmaking experience in color is useful.

Workshop Fee $75 Materials Fee $25

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Introduction to Relief Printmaking

Introduction to Relief Printmaking

This is a four week class meeting, Wednesday November 20, Wednesday November 27 and Wednesday December 4, Wednesday December 11. All classes are noon to 3pm

This is a four week introductory course with no printmaking experience required. Students are asked to come to class with some ideas for images they would like to make. We will look at examples of relief prints in class, learn different carving techniques as well as how to transfer an image onto a carving plate. Participants will learn how to use the press, ink and print their plates and how to produce an edition of prints.

Workshop Fee $75 Materials Fee $25

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Papermaking, working with colored pulp

Papermaking, working with colored pulp

This is the next class in our papermaking series. In this class we learn how to dye paper pulp and create colorful sheets of paper by layering sheets on top of each other. We will also learn how to use stencils for simple designs and some pulp painting. The dyes used in papermaking are made especially for dyeing fiber so wear old clothes you don’t care about to this workshop and of course sturdy shoes.

Workshop Fee $25 Materials Fee $5

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Basic Papermaking Techniques

Basic Papermaking Techniques

If you are curious about handmade paper or would like to try it but are not sure you would like it, this one day workshop is for you! We will be learning basic papermaking techniques such as how to prepare paper pulp, forming sheets of paper, drying your paper and finishing the final product. We will be using three different types of paper pulps, each with a different character and use. Come to this workshop prepared to get a little wet, sturdy, no slip shoes are a must!

Workshop Fee is $25 Materials Fee $

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Pop-Up Christmas Cards

Pop-Up Christmas Cards

Pop-Up cards are fun to make and to receive! Join us in our paper engineering journey and learn many different ways you can create these cards no matter what holidays you celebrate. A home made card lets someone know they are special.

workshop fee: $25 materials are inc

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